Three Kings in a 1999 satirical film on the war in Iraq where a gold heist driven by three American soldiers takes place during the 1991 Iraqi Uprising. Following the end of the Gulf War, the soldiers illegally infiltrate one of Saddam Hussein's bunkers containing millions of dollars of his Kuwaiti gold.  The original plan was for the soldiers to take the gold and keep it for themselves however, upon their arrival, they discover that Saddam cares more about persecuting Iraqi civilians than he does his gold as his soldiers do not attempt to stop the gold from being taken. The American soldiers learn that the Iraqi civilians had been encouraged by the US government to rise up against Saddam yet while lacking support from the US military. This creating a crisis of conscience for the American soldiers who then feel a moral obligation to save the civillians. Faced with the decision of taking the gold and running or helping save the civillians, the American soldiers put their lives on the line to help escort the civillians across the border into Iran consequently losing all the gold in the process. 

The conflict between Iran and Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war was very much oil based as the Iraqi government grew dissatisfied with Iran's possession of the oil-rich Khuzestan province, the habitat for many largely Arabic-speaking Iranians, but also, had a great deal to do with religion. War broke out in fear that the Shiite revolution in Iran and would spread to Iraq. This really, was a war of religion although they both claimed territory of each others. The United Arab Emirates and Kuwait were consistently overproducing oil and  exceeding their OPEC quotas for oil production. Consequently, there was a downfall in oil prices causing Iraq to lose a total of $7 Billion / year. Iraq then decided to invade Kuwait marking the beginning of the Gulf War where the purpose was strictly oil based. Iraq blew up all of Kuwaits oil fields the oil fields which ended up burning long after the end of the conflict. Professionals, from all around the world were sent to put a stop to the fires.

The War of Independence was fought between a military coalition of Arab states and Palestinian Arab forces against the State of Israel. This resulted in  an Israeli victory and Palestinian Arab defeat. The Suez Crisis was a diplomatic and military confrontation in late 1956 between Egypt and the coalition of Britain, France and Israel. It resulted in a political victory for the Soviets and Egypt as well as a coalition military victory with subsequent forced Anglo-French withdrawal. The 6 Days War was fought between Israel and the neighbouring states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. It resulted in a Israeli victory, the capture of the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, West Banks from Jordan and Golan Heights from Syria. The Yom Kippur War was a war of aggression fought by the coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria against Israel in 1973. It resulted in a tactical victory for Israel as well as political and strategic gains for Egypt and Israel. 

In the year of 1916, the Ottoman Empire broke apart. This, divided the two Colonies of France and Great Britain further leading to the division of the formerly shared territories equally through mandates. Following this, Britain went on to pursue control over the middle East. Britain promised to the Jews that they woud set up a Jewish homeland in Palestine and had also promised the Arabs independence in the region. This marked the beginning of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Britain managed to only makes things world in the Middle East following World War I as the mandates and promises made, resulted in much turmoil through tension among the Arabs and Jews. Despite its many efforts, the United Nations has been unsuccessful in creating world peace as the problem in the Middle East is highly insolvable.